#204 - RAPPORT
9/10/2017 - Ring - 1 @ C
Judge - Sarah  Geikie - C
  Test Directives Points Coeff Total

1 A - Enter in collected canter
X - Halt - immobility - salute
Proceed in collected trot
XC - Collected trot
Quality of paces, halt, and transitions. Straightness. Contact and poll. 6.5 1 6.5

2 C - Track to the right
MXK - Extended trot
KAFP- Collected trot
Regularity, elasticity, balance, energy of hindquarters, overtrack. Lengthening of frame. Both transitions. 6.5 1 6.5

3 PS - Half-pass to the left
SHC - Collected trot
Regularity and quality of trot, uniform bend, collection, balance, fluency, crossing of legs 7 2 14

4 CMR - Passage Regularity, cadence, collection, self-carriage, balance, activity, elasticity of back and steps. Transition to passage. 6.5 1 6.5

5 RF - Extended trot Regularity, elasticity, balance, energy of hindquarters, overtrack. Lengthening of frame. 6.5 1 6.5

6 Transitions passage - extended trot -passage Fluency, promptness, clear definition. Balance. Change of frame. 6.5 1 6.5

7 FAK - Passage Regularity, cadence, collection, self-carriage, balance, activity, elasticity of back and steps. 7 1 7

8 KV - Collected trot
VR - Half-pass to the right
RMC - Collected trot
Regularity and quality of trot, uniform bend, collection, balance, fluency, crossing of legs. 6.5 2 13

9 CHS - Passage Regularity, cadence, collection, self-carriage, balance, activity, elasticity of back and steps. 6 1 6

10 SK - Extended trot Regularity, elasticity, balance, energy of hindquarters, overtrack. Lengthening of frame. 6.5 1 6.5

11 Transitions passage - extended trot - passage Fluency, promptness, clear definition. Balance. Change of frame. 6 1 6

12 KAF - Passage Regularity, cadence, collection, self-carriage, balance, activity, elasticity of back and steps. 6.5 1 6.5

13 FS - Extended walk Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, overtrack, freedom of shoulder, stretching to the bit. Transition into walk. 7 2 14

14 SHG - Collected walk Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, shortening and heightening of steps, selfcarriage. 7 2 14

15 G - Piaffe 12 to 15 steps Regularity, taking weight, self-carriage, activity, elasticity of back and steps. Specific number of diagonal steps. 6.5 2 13

16 G - Transitions collected walk - piaffe - passage Fluency, maintenance of rhythm, collection, selfcarriage, balance, straightness. Precise execution 5.5 1 5.5

17 GMRI - Passage Regularity, cadence, collection, self-carriage, balance, activity, elasticity of back and steps. 6.5 1 6.5

18 I - Piaffe 12 to 15 steps Regularity, taking weight, self-carriage, activity, elasticity of back and steps. Specific number of diagonal steps. 6 2 12

19 I - Transitions passage - piaffe - passage Fluency, maintenance of rhythm, collection, selfcarriage, balance, straightness. Precise execution. 6 1 6

20 ISEX - Passage Regularity, cadence, collection, self-carriage, balance, activity, elasticity of back and steps. 6.5 1 6.5

21 X - Proceed in collected canter right
XBFAK - Collected canter
Precise execution and fluency of transition. Quality of canter. 7 1 7

22 KB - Half-pass to the right
B - Flying change of leg
Quality of canter. Collection, balance, uniform bend, fluency. Quality of flying change. 7 1 7

23 BH - Half-pass to the left
H - Flying change of leg
HCM - Collected canter
Quality of canter. Collection, balance, uniform bend, fluency. Quality of flying change 7 1 7

24 MXK - On the diagonal 9 flying changes of leg every 2nd stride
KAF - Collected canter
Correctness, balance, fluency, uphill tendency, straightness. Quality of canter before and after. 8 1 8

25 FXH - On the diagonal 15 flying changes of leg every stride
HCM - Collected canter
Correctness, balance, fluency, uphill tendency, straightness. Quality of canter before and after. 8 1 8

26 MXK - Extended canter
K - Collected canter and flying change of leg
KA - Collected canter
Quality of canter, impulsion, lengthening of strides and frame. Balance, uphill tendency, straightness. Quality of flying change and transitions. 7 1 7

27 A - Down the centre line
D - Pirouette to the left
Collection, self-carriage, balance, size, flexion and bend. Correct number of strides (6-8). Quality of canter before and after. 6.5 2 13

28 B e t we e n D & G - On the centre line 9 flying changes of leg every stride Correctness, balance, fluency, uphill tendency, straightness. Quality of canter before and after. 7 1 7

29 G - Pirouette to the right
C - Track to the right
CM - Collected canter
Collection, self-carriage, balance, size, flexion and bend. Correct number of strides (6-8). Quality of canter before and after. 6.5 2 13

30 M - Collected trot
MR - Collected trot
Fluency; precise, smooth execution of transition. Collection. 6.5 1 6.5

31 RF - Extended trot
F - Collected trot
FA - Collected trot
Regularity, elasticity, balance, energy of hindquarters, overtrack. Lengthening of frame. Both transitions. Collection. 7 1 7

32 A - Down the centre line
DX - Passage
Regularity, cadence, collection, self-carriage, balance, activity, elasticity of back and steps. Transition to passage 6.5 1 6.5

33 X - Piaffe 12 to 15 steps Regularity, taking weight, self-carriage, activity, elasticity of back and steps. Specific number of diagonal steps. 6 2 12

34 Transitions passage - piaffe - passage Fluency, maintenance of rhythm, collection, selfcarriage, balance, straightness. Precise execution. 5.5 1 5.5

35 XG - Passage Regularity, cadence, collection, self-carriage, balance, activity, elasticity of back and steps. 6 1 6

36 G - Halt - immobility - salute Quality of halt and transition. Straightness. Contact and poll. 7 1 7

Harmony 7 2 14
  Subtotal 310.5
  Error Percent 0%
  Error Points 0
  Final Score 310.5
  (Maximum Points) 470
  Percentage 66.064%